Your Laptop Battery doesn't Charge?

On the off chance that you have connected your PC yet it's not charging, there is certainly something wrong.  However, on the off chance that you have associated the connector yet, there is no shining light, no brilliant presentation, or no charging marker, you should find a couple of ways to analyze the issue.

1. Ensure You are Plugged In 

2. Eliminate the Battery 

3. Utilize the Right USB-C Port 

4. Utilize an incredible charger 

5. Check for Shorts, burnouts, and breaks 

6. Change the Battery 

For what reason is my PC connected and not charging?

 if your PC is overheating, that could cause an issue. As the temperature rises, the battery sensor might fizzle, letting the framework know that the battery is either completely energized or missing altogether, causing the charging issues.

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